« At OVHcloud, our diversity is our strength, it’s part of our culture. The variety of our skills, our backgrounds and our international locations are at the heart of our success.

OVHcloud is a human adventure before a technological challenge. We offer an open, caring, ethical and fair work environment so that everyone feels respected, integrated and able to fully develop their potential.

Let’s build the future together, thanks to the richness of our differences. »

Line Cadel | Chief Human Resources Officer

With more than 60 nationalities around the world, we offer, at OVHcloud,
an inclusive work environment and the best experience
to our talents in all their diversity.

To go further and faster in this human ambition, we are committed to 4 core pillars.

With more than 60 nationalities around the world, we offer, at OVHcloud, an inclusive work environment and the best experience to our talents in all their diversity.

To go further and faster in this human ambition, we are committed to 4 core pillars.

Thanks to our global actions, our
female workforce has been growing
since 2019.

In France, we are proud to announce
that we have achieved a score of
in the Professional Equality Index
between women and men

for this 2024 edition.

Tolerance 0 is our
collective responsibility.
To prevent any risk of discrimination
and harassment, we train
our employees worldwide

From our London team, we have
joined the PRIDE initiative to
promote gender in all its forms.
In line with our commitment, we have
signed up to the #StOpE initiative,
which aims to combat all forms of
ordinary sexism in the long term.

At our own request, our
anti-discrimination practices

have been audited.

Parenthood in its various forms
is an integral part of the
human adventure
share at OVHcloud.
We make our employees aware
of the challenges of parenthood
and offer them a place where
they can listen and be heard

We have several initiatives in France:
- a post-parental/maternity/adoption
leave re-boarding process,

- a parenting guide,
- the appointment of a
Parenthood manager.

These initiatives will be
gradually rolled out and
adapted internationally
by 2025.

OVHcloud has the resources
and tools
to guarantee an
inclusive organization
on a global scale:
- Appointed disability referents
who bring the disability
policy to life locally,
- 100% of recruiters trained
in diversity awareness,
- Awareness-raising among employees.

1 | Promoting equality in the workplace

2 | Fighting all forms of discrimination

3 | Supporting all forms of parenthood

4 | Committing to a strong disability policy

Our teams live our initiatives.
They get involved. They tell you their stories.

Our teams live our initiatives.
They get involved.
They tell you their stories.